Vine sucks.

You heard me right.

I don’t particularly like Vine. I don’t hate it or have a vendetta against it. Personally, I don’t see the point.

If someone can tell me the point of using Vine, I would first be very attentive to hear what they have to say, but also be ecstatic if they actually had a good answer.

Multiple aspects of the whole Vine situation factor into this opinion of mine.

Starting off, why do you Vine users feel the need to get Vine to share videos?

Is your fancy shmancy iPhone or Galaxy Nexus or Droid not capable of taking a video and posting it?

Or does take too long to go through all those steps?

We are one lazy society…

Secondly, why do we even need to hear about those little 6 secs of life?

Is  instagramming your meal not enough for you? You really have to show us a video of the food you bought or actually made for yourself?

Does the world really need to know about your cat looking at you? about the pre-gaming your doing?

Sounds a bit desperate for attention to me.

I’m fine with posting a vid here or there. Sure, if it’s cool throw it up, I’ll check it out.

But really, tell me why on earth we need to see 6 seconds of your life. Just keep it to yourself.

The world doesn’t need to know everything you ever do.

Numero tres, it’s just a fad. Admit it already. Vine won’t last.

It’s just the next Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds, or Words with Friends. The next MySpace, Xanga, or IM.

Yea, I brought them up. And you should know why too. They were all fads.

They didn’t last. They aren’t popular anymore.

Sure it’s had some growth so far.

Extremely early growth

But so did all the other fads…

If you are one of those hooked users, I say go ahead and ride it out while you’re in deep.

But if you haven’t gotten caught up in the rush yet, take my advice and pass on by. Look here at what your missing, not much.

It’s not worth your time. In fact, go out and do something. Get off your smartphone for one small portion of your entire life.

Live a little.


——New Music: MGK – Invincible—–

One thought on “Vine sucks.

  1. I agree with you Ben that this is a “fad”. But in this society that is just the way of life. We get whats new and when that gets old ( or the iphone 5 comes out) we are quick to move on. “Out with the old, and In with the new”. I do feel that Vine will be successful and you may enjoy the humor and personal connection that Vine can provide. Check out this video:

    You will Love it.

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